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Prepare for Next Step in Your Career

Our range of services are vital in equiping you you for the next step in your career at home and abroad. We focus in preparing candidates from Africa for their next career in the UK, Canada, USA, Australia, Austria, etc


Prepare to Win with GHIC Consultancy

We hold a one-on-one phone or video call with you consisting of 30-40 minutes of interview questions, relevant to your position and industry, and 20-30 minutes of detailed feedback, offering tips as to where you can improve your interview skills. £150. This is done through our UK based allies and partner institutions. Learn from the best

We perform a detailed review of your CV and offer bespoke feedback, including style, content, prose, spelling and grammar.
Our CV review services are designed to maximise your chances of getting an interview. You provide a draft CV and our experts ensure it has the polish that hiring managers are looking for. Using our standard service (£90) you will have:

A professional-looking CV
Immaculate spelling and grammar
Advice on prose and style
A CV that retains your individuality
Honest advice from real-world professionals
Individual and bespoke responses from our UK, Canada, and US based experts
Compliance with ATS
Fast responses from one of our professionals

Job Linkage Across UK, Canada, Germany, USA, etc
We help link you up with employers and employment agencies across Europe. Contact us for more

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